Wednesday, January 5, 2011

twenty eleven

Happy New Year!  i know i was supposed to start daily outfit posts... and i still planon doing so, but the last 5 days have been filled with dirty tissue, vitamins, and lots of blankets.  in other words, i'v been sick and not just hungover sick, like a real cold with dry red noses and raspy voice.

i'm back at work and have lots to do but need to do a quick update so here it is:

in the next week i'm moving back to my mom's place in order to save up money.  by spring, i hope to be in a nice new apartment somewhere between santa monica and venice with my lovely boyfriend. 

i don't usually do new years resolutions, but here are a couple things i need/want to do not just in 2011 but for my future in general:

keep all paperwork/mail/documents organized.  this is my biggest thing.  i can't even express to you how unorganized this all is and how badly i need to sort through mail that has been unopened sinze 2006 (yes, i told you, it's THAT bad!)

stay in touch with my family and friends.  responds to fb things, mail, texts, phone calls... i'm horrible with this and want to get better!  i promise that thing i was going to mail you last year will find its way to your mail box this year!

keep doing arts and crafts and anything creative.

purge clothes and possessions as often as i accumulate. 

remember to always appreciate everything/everyone for what it/they is/are.

enjoy what i do and do what i enjoy.  not always mutually exclusive.

also, i want to do a redesign for this blog, a new header, and like i said before, outfit posts!

ok, gotta run and do real work now.... brb.

1 comment:

  1. Great list of things to improve on beginning in 2011. Mine is similar. As humans we should constantly strive to improve mentally, emotionally, spiritually, personally and professionally.
